Many small businesses have difficulty acquiring loans or a Line of Credit from traditional financial institutions. There are a number of reasons for this. Credit history, length of time in business, collateral, and the type of industry all play heavily into a bank's decision to loan or not to loan money.
Additionally, banks may be ill equipped to handle the job of monitoring invoices and inventory of a particular industry. They may not want to take on the risk associated with that type of funding option. Furthermore, they may not fully understand the industry that your company competes in. To a banker, a lack of understanding equals greater risk and greater risk often times equals a denial.
By contrast, Factoring Companies rely on the creditworthiness of your clients. There are no rigid standards to meet on your company's part. New business and old businesses alike can benefit. Furthermore, some factoring agencies actually offer factoring solutions to companies under bankruptcy protection.
There are a number of benefits derived from the use of Accounts Receivable Financing solutions. First, the company that is selling invoices can rid themselves of the hassle of handling various debts-the debts become the problem of the company offering accounts receivable financing solutions. Also, a company in need of money can get their hands on some fast cash, thanks to Accounts Receivable Financing services.
Multi-Family Dwellings Make Good Financial Sense
15 years ago
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